No! Not the squirrel! It's Purply Daph! (Purply because she likes and will buy anything purple.. I wonder if she'll buy a purpleeee strawberry?)
It has been a good 3? 4? years since we last saw each other and it was nice to have her over and catch up.
The only problem was that PD (Purply Daph)'s idea of a good holiday consists of visiting all kinds of old buildings and monuments.... whereas we are the kind of people who just don't get old buildings or paintings.
Anyway.. we did do some touring together. We drove to Dover with Dodgy Mike (DM) and PD to take the ferry over to Calais for a day trip.
Calais has 2 local markets open on Saturdays and they're both rich in local produce and food! (just the things we like).. PD wanted to go to Calais to sample French KFC (strange, yes?) but unfortunately with our limited French and without sounding too rude we manage to figure out that there is NO KFC in Calais.. haha..poor PD
We did however manage to find a superb local spit roast chicken van at the corner of the market. This is no ordinary Waitrose/Sainsbury's roast chicken. This is roast chicken with a large metal container strewn with sliced sweet onions cooked from the heat of the yummy juices dripping off the roasting chickens!
The best thing is that they actually give you scoups of that yummy gravy and onions with your chicken when you buy them!
Unfortunately we didn't take a picture of the chicken cooking but I have got these!
You know it's good when you see the big baby hogging his chicken!
Even better is the bread stall beside the roast chicken van.. good crusty on the outside soft on the inside bread dipped in the yummy chicken gravy with onions............................... blissssss!
We wouldn't find a place to eat outside and as the day was quite cold decided to go back to the car to enjoy our chicken.. a few french people passing the street actually looked in to see what we were doing.
A French lady who walked by asked the chicken hogging baby to roll down our car window to give us the thumbs up and said Bon Appetit!
That was a super good trip!
PD also wanted to go to the theatre.. her show of choice was Wicked.
Wicked sells their front row seats for the day's show at 10am so we were there early and managed to grab 3!
The husband and I didn't really know what to expect but the show was great! It was really worth the £25 and I personally thought it was the best theatre show we've been to.
Spamalot was good as well.. Stomp was a little bit boring and Macbeth almost had me tearing my hair out..
Obviously they're all different kinds of shows and it is worth the experience but maybe next time we'll go for a lighter Shakespeare play..
The funniest thing we did while PD was here had to be our Paddington Statue hunt.
Now, the husband and I have been to Paddington station many many times but NEVER have we come across the Paddington bear statue. The souvenir shop yes, the statue no.
Heck we didn't even know about its existence until PD the Paddington Bear fan told us about it.
So we made our trip to Paddington from High Street Ken by foot because the district line to Edgware decided not to run that weekend. By the time we reached Paddington my feet were already starting to complain.
PD bought her bear from the souvenir shop and asked for directions to the statue. For some reason or other we just couldn't find it!!!
1000000 circles around the station, directions from 4 other people and with my feet screaming!!! we finally found this
We walked past it at least 8 times but just didn't notice it! Yes.. it looks a little bit like oddly shaped poop.. PD doesn't agree..
We took PD to many other places but I am too lazy to write everything in detail.
Nai.. thank you for taking the effort to come visit us and we both had a good time spending time with you!!! Hugs!
And when the French Roast Chicken Man asked "Do you want the juice?" having put the chicken in the bag I wanted to kiss the man.
ReplyDeleteEiyer.. if you kiss him me no want to kiss you no more..