Wednesday 24 November 2010

Oldy Poldy

Sainsbury's is having a 25% sale on all nintendo consoles at the moment and the husband very 'casually' hinted about wanting to get a DS. :P

Heh... Apparently 'it's so cheap.. the best deal on the market'..

So we went along and got one last week. You could see the husband and brother's eyes grow bigger as the cashier bagged the brand new toy.

These boys are strange, fat, smelly creatures.

Anyway.. we were playing with the DS's camera and the husband took this:-

I didn't realise how much older we both look now..

Time goes by quite quickly these days with all the work piling up, and I cannot ask for anything better but to have him with me.

We have been growing up together since we were 18.. what could be better than to grow up with your best friend?

Thursday 11 November 2010

Like sand on my feet

Took some time off my assignment this evening to play the guitar..

Played this song and it made me think of Jake..

Like sand on my feet
The smell of sweet perfume
You stick to me forever baby
I wish you didn't go,
I wish you didn't go,
I wish you didn't go away
To touch you again,
With life in your hands.
It couldn't be any harder..

We miss you Jakey boy..

Smelly Boy

Smelly boy is back in London! Well.. he's been here for about a month now but we've been so busy we have no time to write or take a photo of him.

His UPSR results came out today and the smart boy got all 7A's.. as expected.. you don't get 6A's during the trials and not get full A's during the real exam..

He is a lot smarter than his sister.. luckily for him.

I used to get some A's B's C's D's?? Haha.. for trials that is.. the real exam though.. I do reasonably well.

He couldn't get the results himself being so far away from Ipoh so the parents went to school and got it for him. They are obviously very proud..

Anyway.. the lucky boy is in for a truck load of presents and prizes..

We are enjoying having him around.. bossing him.. rubbing his smelly head while he's still 12 and smelly and not a grumpy teenager YET..

And Bronx is especially delighted as he has a new butt scratcher.. Haha!