Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Goodbye girl

The 9th of April is coming up again and this time, it would be 7 years since we first 'met'.

It was a day before his birthday, I was just going to leave the computer to pack for a trip to KL that night when this irritating random man messaged me on ICQ for the THIRD time.

Goodness gracious, he sure is persistant, and he doesn't even know me. And he had an annoying nickname 'soonami' - I thought he was some stupid 20 something dirty minded man who thinks he is as powerful as a tsunami but couldn't spell.

Oddly of course, I discovered that his surname is actually Soon. So it was a play of words, but it wasn't because he couldn't spell. Thank god.

The even weirder thing is that after we got married, I took his surname, and now I'm Mrs. Soon Ae Mi. So basically, I've become soonami with an E. Strange hey?

Our love story isn't a simple one, it was a struggle, mainly because of distance. He was in London I was in Ipoh. We were young, we were penniless and we couldn't make any decisions without involving our parents.

I remember thinking it is going to take us forever to find a stable platform. Every time we found the opportunity to meet, every time we held hands, it was precious because we couldn't take it for granted.

A close friend took this photo of us sometime in August 2004.

We were both so young then, our love seem so raw, so excitable.

This photo was taken sometime before Christmas 

We look so different now. He has lost a lot of his boyish looks and we are so much calmer and contented with each other.

I remember he used to promise me that we will make it to the end, that he will show me a better life, take me away from my misery and unhappiness.

I never really believed him, but when I look around me now I know he has kept his promise. We are now a family and we love each other just like we did 7 years ago.

I have forgotten my past. And I'm now home at last.

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