Thursday, 10 March 2011

Baby Mine

Bunny the German Sheppard is only about 3 years old, she has lots of energy but can't go for long walks because it makes her tired and it puts too much strain on her front leg.

Luckily for us, she spends half her day being entertained by live TV

She loves watching the rabbits and can stare at them for hours sometimes.. The rabbits aren't really bothered by her presence, they stare back sometimes but most times they just get on with whatever they want to do.

Here's Wibble sleeping like a dead rabbit (always gives us a shock!) and he only does that when he feels completely comfortable with his surroundings.

Once, Wibble decided to sleep in a sausage roll pose (all stretched out, flat on his belly) and Bunny thought he was dead.

She went around the hutch whining as if encouraging him to move and trying to look for signs of life, it was all quite funny.

For some reason or other Wibble does that a lot and I've lost count of the number of times he has managed to frighten both me and the husband.

Here's a photo we took of General Bibbles (Wibble's nickname because he looks like General Woundwort in Watership Down sometimes) yesterday night..

Isn't he just adorable?

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