Thursday, 20 January 2011

Tiger Mother my ass..

The husband found an article in The Wall Street Journal about a woman claiming that Chinese mothers are more superior. You can read this article here. It is long.. and by the end of it you'll probably be fuming mad, like the both of us, but it is worth seeing what crazy people exist in the world today.

Her daughter later wrote an article claiming that people did not understand her mother's humour, that they actually have lots of fun within the family and people don't see that.

I believe her. I know exactly what she's talking about. Why?

I grew up with a person like that.

A person who demanded nothing but 100% from me. I was not to get anything but 1st in class. Maths and English exam papers had to have 100% stamped on them, otherwise I got beaten with a cane.

And this same person is also my best friend in many ways.

I love him. I share jokes with him, some of my best memories, I had with him.

But what he demanded of me left marks.

It made me feel like I am constantly not good enough. It made me feel like I was not wanted, that I was a liability to them whenever I do not perform.

It also made me depressed when I was 13. It made me go to bed every night wishing I wouldn't wake up in the morning. It made me think of ways of how to get rid of myself.

And if I had not met the husband and a few good friends, I would probably have got my way and today I wouldn't exist.

I wouldn't have a family, I wouldn't be the 'pride and joy' of the person who demanded so much of me he almost killed me.

Until today I have not truly told him what he did to me and I don't think I will ever.

I am no where as successful as the article's author's daughters but I am pretty much what he wanted me to become.

I hate to think that so many mindless, over ambitious young parents are going to read this and think 'Yes! I want my children to be like her!' and then go on and implement her ways.

It is not right and I don't think it will ever be.

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