A few days ago our beloved Samsung laptop's battery decided to become undetected.. so, unfortunately, it has now run out of battery and we'll have to send it away for a replacement.
Luckily, I am not left without a laptop, we have a Mac (which we got as a present) sitting upstairs for a while now mainly because we never had the time to mess with it.
I've got a lecturer in school who have persistently and rather annoyingly gone on and on about how good the Mac is, how Mac users are more superior, yadda yadda..
So.. I can't be blamed if I expect the Mac to be super smart and intuitive upon using it for the first time.
I must say.. I am sorely disappointed. It is another computer system you have to learn. I don't find it any easier to use than Windows..
It is prettier I'll give you that.. It does have a lot of modern day apps sitting at the bottom of the screen.. but I'm not impressed..
Well, you say.. you're computer stupid that's why!
Yes, I haven't seen or used or analysed that many computers but the husband should know yes?
And he doesn't like it either! Neh neh!
Anyhow, I am stuck with it for a while and if I am going to become a Project Manager I might as well be flexible and learn how to use it properly (yes, I will read the manual!)
Moving on..
Sometime just before Christmas Bronx decided to adopt the old and tatty blue armchair in the living room.
It is the husband's favourite armchair and it used to be the rabbits favourite armchair while we were living in Richmond..
Hmm.. looks like everyone wants it.
Look how happy he is on it.. he spends quite a bit of time curled up on it everyday

Miss Bunny on the other hand sits wherever she can lay her head close to mummy. She is a real mummy's girl. However, the large black object on the sofa is Papa's bum.
Here's a picture we got of Wibble Pibbles stealing food from the container.
And here's Bunny and Bronx sat together.. See! The Mac takes pictures the other way around!!
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