Wednesday, 9 December 2009

A box too small for two

Quick! If we can't see her surely she can't see us too!

Tuesday, 8 December 2009

With every mistake, we must surely be learning

Having been encouraged by my success at learning the first part of Here Comes the Sun on the guitar (the nice and complicated hand picking one, not just the chords mind you!), the George Harrison mood extends to learning While My Guitar Gently Weeps as well although from the looks of the tabs it's definitely going to take me a lot longer than Here Comes the Sun.

We'll see. Meanwhile, here's the version on Youtube that I absolutely love. I think it is a lot better than the versions he did with the Beatles.

Thursday, 3 December 2009

Here comes the sun

My grandparents and brother have become people I learn to appreciate more everyday as I grow up.

The husband is an only child and never really got to know his grandparents (either they passed away before he came around or family circumstances didn't allow him to get to know them).

Looking at him sometimes, I feel a sense of pity because he is so oblivious to what he's missing. He doesn't feel it because he doesn't know what it's like to have grandparents or siblings but I feel for him.

I've always been very close to my maternal grandparents and paternal grandmother. The paternal grandfather was a little bit of an odd man. He was a good provider but never really reached out emotionally to know me or many of my cousins.

My paternal grandmother passed away when I was 7 but until today I can vaguely remember what she sounds like and when she held my hand and took me to the morning market for breakfast and some sweets. I remember the food she cooked and how her face lit up when the 4 year old me unconsciously ate almost the whole plate of onion egg meant for 7 people she cooked earlier.

Of course my mum made me feel guilty about it but I remember my grandmother smiling. And who's to blame her, today I would grin like a silly pig if L ate all the egg fried rice I made for him.

My maternal grandparents live not 5 minutes walk away from my house in Ipoh and I love them to bits! They're not terribly interesting people, no school education, no university degree not much of a view on politics and always paranoid about rapists, thieves and second hand smoke but they care in a different way.

The point is, they're always there when I need them and they love me in a different way.

My 'Ah Kong' is a quiet man who's worked hard all his life and loves going out on his old bicycle. He doesn't say much at all but he used to buy me and my two girl cousins who used to live with them interesting cheap 20cent toys whenever he could afford it.

It didn't matter that the toys were cheap, it mattered that he saw an interesting toy and spared what he could afford to see a smile on our faces.

I remember once when I was about 10 I came home and there was a river terrapin in a bucket at the porch of his house. I asked if he was going to eat it and added that I thought it cruel to eat an animal like that (it is quite hard to kill a river terrapin because of the thick shell). He smiled and said 'No, I'm not going to eat it, I bought it back from the market and I'm taking him back to the river tomorrow.'

I thought he was lying and asked how he was going to bring the terrapin to the river. He said he was going to take it on a bus ride to the Kinta River (about 30 minutes away) and release it there.

It made me very pleased to know that my Ah Kong was not cruel. I like to imagine Ah Kong on the bus with his river terrapin in a bucket going on a ride.

My 'Ah Ma' on the other hand is a very noisy old lady. She loves to talk and nag. Nag nag nag. Did you bring your ointment for mosquito bites? Did you bring the cure for wind? Are you staying in a well lit area? Is your neighbour dodgy? Why do you go to London alone without your husband?

The thing is.. London doesn't really have mozzies unlike Malaysia. It took a while and a few other people telling her the same thing before she eventually believed me and stopped supplying me with Tiger Balm every time I got on the plane.

It is strange though how I tend to miss her nagging now that she's no longer 5 minutes away from me. I call her every now and then to get a dose of it and to see how she's doing.

It is exhausting business calling my family.

The brother and father pretty much fights over the phone and who gets to talk for more minutes so by the time I end the call, 2 or sometimes 3! hours would have passed by.

The grandmother is no different. She could easily clock 2 hours on a good day.

It is very difficult to have to see the people you love growing old. My grandmother was 48 when I was born. This year she is 71. I cannot remember my grandmother when she was 48, but my mother is 47 this year and I can quite easily imagine what my grandmother was like 23 years ago.

And although I do dread calling them sometimes because once I start, the entire afternoon could have gone by by the time I do put the phone down, I feel lucky that at least I have family to call.

I feel lucky knowing that my brother will always be there to share half my burden and to disturb me on Facebook and make me stay on Skype with him because it's dark and he has to finish his homework and doesn't want to be alone.

I feel lucky knowing that I can make my grandmother happy when I find time to call her and that she's always thinking of me and wondering what I'm up to.

They really are the sunshine in my life.

It would be a real shame if my children cannot have everything that I have because of our circumstances now but at least I know my parents will be excellent grandparents one day(because they make excellent parents as long as they don't have to discipline anyone!).

Tuesday, 1 December 2009

Silent night

Tuesday and Thursday night are usually very quiet for me.

The husband goes straight to school after work and doesn't get back till late.

It can get quite lonely sometimes.. well, I do have the bunny boys to entertain me but it doesn't really compare to having the husband home even if we're not doing much.

Maybe that's what being in love is. You think you would get bored seeing the same person everyday, every week, every year but every morning I send him off to work hoping that he'll be back soon so that I won't have to miss him.

Strange how someone who's been married for almost 30 years once told us to think very carefully before committing to marriage because 'those who are out can't wait to get in but those who are in can't wait to get out'.

We've been together for 5 and a half years now and deep down, never once have I doubted that my decision to put some of my individuality aside and open my life to learn this other stranger's is wrong.

And I know 30 years later I still want to feel the same way and more about him. Afterall, love is supposed to grow, otherwise it defeats all purpose of sharing your life with another person.

What's perfect at this very moment is the dark sky outside, me in the quiet study with no light but the laptop's, the sound of the bunnies chewing something in the bedroom (most probably something they are not supposed to have) and knowing that any minute now, the man I love will walk in and give me the biggest kiss!

Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Dear Cabinet

Chicken Pie must have needed a break from his brother this morning, he came to the study to lie on the window sill beside my chair

Unfortunately, CP's colour makes it quite hard to get nice photographs of him. His expressions are not so clear and sometimes his face comes out more like a blur. Here's a closer shot of his window sill lie in:-

What do you think you're doing woman?

Chicken Pie also has an obsession for eating furniture - chairs, tables, drawers.. It can be quite frustrating sometimes because he does get wood he can sink his teeth into but like a naughty child, he only wants what he can't have.

There he is resting his head against the cabinet he has caused least damage to. It's as if he's saying - Dear Cabinet, I will eat you when I wake up please do not run away. I love you much!

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Thursday, 12 November 2009

The big push

I recently found a game I created back in 2007 for The Big Push (A muscular dystrophy awareness campaign). It's not a game I'm very proud of (First thing I wrote in Flash), but I liked the concept of a wheelchair race where you pressed left to turn right (Left wheel needs to move faster than right wheel you see) and vice versa. And here it is in all its glory:

Please forgive me for it being oh-so-crap. I did my best!

Gaming and Marriage

Before you read this blog post, read this article. Go on, I'll wait: Call of Duty? For an army of forsaken women, it's more like a call for help

Ready? Good. I just wanted to say a couple of things really. One, if you're with someone who doesn't share your interests, and doesn't recognise your need to indulge in your interests once in a while, what the hell are you doing? At the risk of sounding like a smug married person, the wife and I play games together very regularly. Sure, my days of hours spent playing Counterstrike, playing Torment, and other intensive single player hardcore games are probably over. (Although mind you, we had a very satisfying time playing Fable together - I played, she watched mostly). We have found common ground with games like Super Paper Mario and she regularly trounces me at Mario Kart (The only tracks I can beat her on are Wario's Gold Mine and Snowboard Cross - and that only on a good day). I've had to adjust my gaming habits to meet my new position in life, and that's a sacrifice I willingly make. Men, if you're not willing to do that, maybe you should reconsider what you're doing in your relationship.

I do agree with some of the points in the article though. What I find most enticing about games is the fact that they are a window into a completely different world (And this is why I tend to play RPGs), while I am playing them I can forget the stresses of life, the things I have to worry about, etc. But books do the same for me, so maybe I'm lucky that way. I don't know.

I guess in short, what I'm trying to say is as always, compromise is required. Men need to recognise that they need to adapt their habits if they're serious about a relationship. As I just read, Roland of Gilead (from Stephen King's Dark Tower) said, "A man who is unwilling to share his habit is a man who needs to give it up". And women, if you're serious about this gaming man, maybe you should try to understand what he sees in gaming. My wife has done that for me, and I love her all the more for it. And if he's so into gaming that he's abandoned you and refuses to see reason - jump ship if you still can!

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Bunny days

Its been a while since we updated about the bunnies no thanks to my inability to transfer pictures from my phone to the computer. This morning I finally figured it out after what was to be at least my 10th try.

Yes, I have tried emailing it to myself. Yes, I have also tried bluetooth. And yes, I've also tried putting in the USB cable thingy. But no, they all didn't work very well until this morning when the USB cable decided to give me a break.

For some reason or other, the boys have an obsession with toilet roll. They also have an obsession with 'good quality' cardboard. Only cardboard from items bought from John Lewis gets their chewing approval. Other cardboard gets maybe the odd chew or a desperate good chew after days of luring.

They sure are some high class bunnies!

So back to the toilet roll. There was a sale on Velvet toilet roll a few weeks ago and I went a little nuts and bought 3 bags of 18's (the husband does do a lot of business in the toilet).

We didn't really know where to stack them so we built a toilet roll tower in the study.

Chicken Pie was rather pleased and went on to claim his crown as Toilet Roll Tower King.

He was standing on top of the tower quite proudly for a few minutes until he felt it was decidedly boring and had no subjects to order.

What he didn't know, was that getting down would be a BIGGG mistake!

Wibble the sex maniac/gay/incestuous/power mad tyrant was on the romp, and unfortunately for Chicken Pie, he was the only bunny around to rape.

I have not managed to get a picture of the 'incident' because it always happens too quickly, but trust me, that was the moment JUST before Wibble got his front paws on Chicken Pie and had his butt moving rather vigorously on Chicken Pie's.

Haha.. the trauma on Chicken Pie's face every time it happens is just indescribable!

Chicken Pie also has a thing for imitating us and our actions.

He observes when Wei Chieh sits on the armchair reading a book and later when there's no one sitting on the armchair, Chicken Pie climbs unto it and sits facing the same way Wei Chieh did earlier. He doesn't do anything, just sits there on alert and stares.

Another thing he's picked up is imitating me working on the study table. We have a rather tall study table and he must have observed me working on the computer. He usually climbs on furniture to reach a certain height where his head would be above the table and he can see what's on it.

He'll then just continue sitting there looking until he gets too curious and actually gets on the table to trample on the keyboard.


This is the other favourite past time - pretending to be a book.

And then there's sleeping...

More sleeping near the radiator pipes and a head and face massage courtesy of mummy.

And that's 'Lets sit on mummy's back and let her ferry me around like a horse!'

Monday, 9 November 2009


We went over to babysit L & M yesterday evening and boy did we have fun!!!

It is really nice to know that they remember us so well :)

It does take L some time to heat up a bit but when he does he goes into this A-mi rampage where every few minutes he'll come to me and say 'A-mi... bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh (baby talk).'

He's growing up so well!

Yesterday he finally put a name to Wei Chieh and guess what it is?

He calls WC 'BeeBeee' as in 'by' in baby repeated twice!

Haha.. he obviously has trouble trying to pronounce 'Wei Chieh' and he has decide to go with what I call Wei Chieh instead!

It's so cute!! Even his intonation is exactly like how I would say it.

M as well is getting more and more adorable by the day.

It is amazing how different L & M are. M in comparison is so good natured. Always willing to pack away things, always ready to help and smile. She doesn't even kick up a fuss when you take something she shouldn't be playing away from her!

Taking something away from L on the other hand.. is a different matter altogether. Trust me.. you do not want to do it! Haha..

What's even more amazing is how L cares and loves M. M can't walk yet but L can already climb out of his cot. L would always check on his sister first thing when he wakes up from his nap to make sure she's okay, pat her head and tell her she's a good girl!

Haha.. he's so funny!


I know that we are both so young and not ready but everytime we go over and see them it really makes us want to have children of our own, yet we know very well that we can't afford to have a child and we should really just concentrate on building a career for now.

At least we get to see L & M growing up and can love them like we will love our own :)

Monday, 19 October 2009

Hallo mumzy..

Being married is fun. We build a life together and we share everything with each other.

But does that also mean I have to share his mother?

I'm writing this post because I'm tired of debating with myself.

I'm tired of asking myself - do I really have to share his mother?

And that extends to, do I also have to call his mother 'mum'?

In all honesty I'm not in best terms with his mother at the moment. A bit of a mother-in-law/daughter-in-law problem going on.

However, put that aside and I still don't think I should address his mother as 'mum'.


Simple, I already have one.

My mother is my 'mum' and I don't need another one.

I love my mother and I feel like I am betraying her by calling another woman 'mum'.

I also believe that the title 'mum' is earned. My mum worked hard dealing with the troublesome kid and cloudy teenager that was me and I respect her for putting up with all that because she loves me.

I'm not trying to say that his mum put in any less. She did the same for him. She's just never going to do the same for me. It's not that she's not willing, she might just be. But it would be almost impossible logistically and emotionally.

The tie between me and my mum is different. It is special.

My mum feels my pain. My mum will always want something to my benefit. Plus my mum is not just 'mum'.

She can be mumzy, ma, mummymoo, aunty, ah poh.. or anything I could be calling her that day just for fun because whatever tag I put on her, it doesn't change the fact that she's my mother and it doesn't change the way I love and feel about her.

His mum however, can only be 'mum' because it is more a title than anything else.

Maybe it is the amount of 'My mother' essays I've written for school that gave me this ultra specific definition of a mother but I do believe in my argument.

However, it also doesn't change the fact that I've been sort of.. 'pressured' into addressing his mother as 'mum' and since nobody else wants anymore trouble from me, it looks like it's here to stay until I get brave enough to reverse it back to 'Uncle & Aunty' one day.

Knowing me, maybe I just will..

To add to this, he also has a problem addressing my parents as 'Dad & Mum' but since I've been forced to do so with his side, he unfortunately, has to do the same with mine under my insistance, until he finds enough courage to do something about it.


Happy Birthday Luc!

On Saturday the 17th a little boy turned 2..

This little boy is very special to me.

He's special because I've known him since he was a teeny weeny littlest thing.

He makes me feel special because he recognises me and smiles when he sees me and announces loudly that his 'A-mi' has arrived.

Nothing in the world compares to you my dearest boy and I love you with all my heart.

Happy Birthday Luci Puchi. A-mi loves you!

Monday, 12 October 2009

Windmill windmill for the land..

Love forever love is free
Let's turn forever you and me..

Married 4 and a half months and still happy :)

Monday, 5 October 2009


It's a cold and gloomy Monday afternoon and what does Wibble do?

Sleep! of course..

With his hind legs stretched out and dead-bunny-expression thrown in and you have happy sleeping Wibble.. if it wasn't so cold his front paws would probably be all stretched out as well.

Do excuse the quality of this picture. I didn't want to go too close and wake his royal highness from his perfect slumber.

Monday, 14 September 2009

The bull-dog?

Recently there have been talks between us about moving to a new home close to Kew - one with a front AND back garden, which we absolutely crave!!

And that also extends to the tiny tiny tiniest probability of getting a dog (if the budget can stretch and if the rabbits give their royal approval)..

Strangely the bulldog (believe it or not) is one of the husband's favourite dog and here's probably why:-

My friend has a bulldog and she is wonderful, but I don’t think they are low maintenance dogs. They have a lot of breathing problems and snore really loud. In fact bulldogs are used to make goblin noises in movies. They also have to be artificially inseminated if you are going to breed them because apparently “doggy style” can give them a heart attack. This is what my friend says anyway.

Haha.. that's not a bulldog! That's my husband you're describing!!!!

Sunday, 2 August 2009

An update on our vegetable garden

The wife and I decided to make use of our balcony space to grow some usable plants instead of just flowers. Now, a few months on, here's how they're doing!

The herb garden, with the carrot box off to the right. In the herb box we've got rocket, parsley, and the sadly-bare coriander patch

A closer look at the carrot plants.

Potato sack doing quite well

Monster tomato plants! Which are actually starting to bear fruit... this lovely pair on a rather hairy stalk

And in keeping with recent tradition, cooked food picture of the day: Garlic butter rice with an odd stew, suffering from my error of judgement in the size of the plate I needed. I'm not quite sure how to describe this stew, it started life as a pasta sauce with some meatballs that began as sausages, then had carrots, chorizo, mushrooms and some extra tomatoes added to become a stew.

Saturday, 1 August 2009

More camwhoring

It appears in recent days this blog has become a bit of a food blog, so time for some food blog cliches!

Start with a shot to establish what you're actually looking at (note also the inappropriate broccoli as usual lurking in the background)

and now the closeups...

Not just a food blog. An M & S food blog.

Tuesday, 21 July 2009

Meet Gorf

This is Gorf. Gorf is a squeaky frog designed for dogs, but we've each been given one at work to squeak when anyone goes off on a tangent at a discussion. But I've adopted him and taken him home to love and care for him. And also to see how the bunnies like him. Verdict - he scares the crap out of them. I think they thought I was torturing small animals and they were next - may be a good way to discipline them. A bit of kill the chicken to scare the monkey maybe?

Monday, 20 July 2009

Some recent meals...

Kimchi jigae (and some not-so-authentic broccoli in the background)

Lamb stew with siew pak choy (yes, I have a thing for pairing inappropriate vegetables with meals)

California roll

Monday, 22 June 2009

Random thought

Lately I've been told that I've been really neglecting this blog, what with all the wedding planning and everything that's been going on in our lives lately, so here's a random thought I had this morning while at Waterloo Station:

You know you're really out of shape when you find yourself needing a running start to get enough momentum to propel yourself up the stairs without running out of steam halfway.

Note to self: Spend more time on EA Sports Active

Wednesday, 3 June 2009

Husband and Wife

Finally it is Wednesday the 3rd of June and I can sit back and really relax - my first time in a VERY long time!!

The exams lasted almost 3 weeks of which I suffered sleepless nights and endless panic attacks..

To add to the exam stress, I had the hardest time finding a proper wedding dress and losing enough weight so I won't detest my wedding photos and tear it all up!!

The 3 prong Fat attack plan thingy worked! To our amazement..

Wei Chieh found something called the EA Sports Active which works on the Nintendo Wii and it is amazing!!

It's some sort of an interactive exercise game thingy which unlike the Wii Fit really makes you sweat buckets!

The first time we both had a go we looked like we just had a shower in our clothes!

What's even more amazing is that Wei Chieh can now dress up without looking like a pregnant man. After dating a man with a near 9 month old (forever due) baby in his tummy for 5 years, this is nothing short of a miracle.


Anyway, here are some photos so that you can judge for yourself.

The photos were taken by Michael and some by Wayne, who were both our witnesses to the wedding.

Our last photo as an 'unmarried' couple

The Groom being cheeky (he got a smack on the head after)

In front of the registrar

When we both said 'I do'

Group picture : Michael, us, Zina (Wayne's wife) & Wayne

The boys being boys
Zina showing off my ring

Where we got married

Just a nice photo of the new husband and wife

Yeap, that's how he broke his back!

Our wedding bands

Our 'favouritest' furry babies and us

Very kind and sweet! wedding cake gift from Mallindi, Tony, Luciano & Mariella

Our wedding was very small but we couldn't have wanted it any other way.

Many many thanks to Michael, Wayne, Zina and all our other friends who have given us so much love and support on such an important occasion to us.

Special thanks goes to Mallindi, Tony, Luciano and Mariella for fitting us a little spot in Mariella's Christening and Luciano's adoption celebration on Sunday.

We couldn't be luckier to be surrounded by such wonderful and amazing friends!

Friday, 8 May 2009

The FAT frenzy

3 weeks to my big day and guess what I'm concerned about:-

1) I haven't got a proper dress for the occasion

2) FATS (with an extra big S)

Yes!! FATS!!!


On my belly.. on my legs.. on my arms..

Oh.. what happened to my once super toned and tanned swimming arms I very proudly paraded with sleeveless tees??

GONE!! Yes, years of neglect have turned muscles into fat and now I'm panicking and wondering how I'm ever going to look good at my wedding!!

I can't have Barney (that's what we think we're going to name our boy for now) looking at my wedding photos and going ' Oh my god, mummy you had such FAT arms!!!'

It just can't be done.

You want your children to look at your old photos and think to themselves 'Gosh.. my mum's so pretty' or 'My dad's so lucky.. I wonder if I'll find a wife as pretty as my mum'

Nevermind about looking fat after getting pregnant!! You could always blame it on the fat baby that enlarged your belly!!

Anyway, to counter our rather big problem we have gone for a 3 prong attack:-

1) Wall push ups - Rosie (Kok's girlfriend) was here last weekend and she recommended doing wall push ups to tone the arms (not build muscular ugly looking ones like you get from floor push ups!). 40 in the day and 40 at night. I'm working on that!

2) Slendertone - Slendertone is this waist belt thingy that is supposed to trim your waist (not burn the fat but builds muscles so that you tummy won't sag and look like a blob of fat)

and if all don't work.. we have No. 3

3) Spanx - some magical body suit that is supposed to make you look trim and hide the mean stuff!

You will probably spot a great flaw in my 3 prong attack. There's nothing in there for the legs (I don't think Spanx hide leg fat).

That's just fine.. because the dress will hide my fat thighs and if I think my legs are too fat to be seen everyone in my wedding album will just have to go legless..


Wednesday, 15 April 2009


Wei Chieh and I have endless nicknames for each other.. and this is his new one this season

Monday, 13 April 2009

Wedding Gift!

It is official - we are getting married on the 28th of May with a picnic 'reception' on the 27th of June.

To the Chinese it is somewhat uncustomary, almost rude to provide your guests with a gift list and us having one would probably risk Ae Mi's grandmother jumping out of her grave and giving us a big whack on the head.

However, we are living in England and since it is the norm to have a gift list and will save our guests the headache of 'what to buy that fat couple for their wedding', we are having one - here.

That said, we have been blessed with a fully equiped although modest home and we do not really need any more gadgets or furniture.

What we do need is further education - a UK Driving Licence for Wei Chieh and a Legal Practice Certificate or Master's Degree for Ae Mi.

As you all know the cost of education is not cheap and we have our savings, but it would help tremendously if you would consider donating to our Education Fund. It doesn't have to be much as every little helps.

We appreciate that the current economic climate is hard on everyone, so please don't feel like you have to get us a gift at all. If you do though, this would make the best wedding gift to the both of us and we would like to say thanks in advance.

Please let us know if you have donated to our Continuing Education Fund as we would like to send you a thank you card for your contribution and help towards our better future.

If you'd like to donate to our Continuing Education Fund instead of getting us a gift, you can use the paypal button below:

Wednesday, 8 April 2009

No Doubt

One of my earliest childhood memory is going to music classes with my mother.

I loved those classes.

I was about 3 - so I would've been tiny and my mother would take me for an hour's class every Friday evening in Ipoh town after work.

It must have been hard for her to travel all the way back to where we lived only to take me out again after a tiring day in the office. We always went by shared taxi and I remember sitting on my mother's lap trying not to put too much of my weight on her.

I never appreciated what she had done for me until now when I can understand the hard work(and stress!) of travelling and her saving up for my music lessons instead of spending it on nice things for herself.

I will always remember those years because it was something I had with my mother and my mother only - my father was in the Phillipines at that time completing his MBA and was often away for months.

We were then a small family struggling to get by financially and even as a child I had to understand that we couldn't afford to waste money on sweets, junk food or fancy toys.

My mother however always made an exception for a piece of simple cream cake from Yaohan after my Friday music lessons on condition that I was good.

I truly believe those music lessons I had when I was so young has made a difference to my hearing capabilities.

I am very alert on picking up music and I can recognise the songs I like very easily from the very first rhythm. When I listen to songs I hear the different instruments seperately unlike Wei Chieh who seems to clump them up and confuse the tune.

I know it because he's always humming catchy tunes aloud at home and I get very bothered when he catches a beat that is not supposed to be there.


It must be rather unpleasant for him not to be able to hum his favourite tunes in peace but the clockwork in my head doesn't like or permit for inperfect tunes. It corrects his mistake in my head and bothers me to no end if I don't tell him about his mistake (he likes humming the same catchy tunes for HOURS and sometimes DAYS).

I was originally trained to play the organ but I no longer play much of it anymore these days. I learnt to play the guitar on my own after the PMR exam when I was 15 and it is now my rather quiet best friend.

It listens to my happy tunes, my rocky moods and allows me to trash out tears when I am unhappy or frustrated with life (and to the unfortunate ears of my neighbours).

I do appreciate being able to play music and let my many emotions into it and although I know my mother think that her hardwork sending me to music classes are wasted, it really isn't because if I don't have what she gave to me I would not have sharp hearing and I wouldn't be able to learn the guitar by myself and be with the music that I love.


This is a song that have held meaning to me for many years. I first heard it on MTV when I was about 15/16? The lyrics reflect what I do want - the Simple Kind of Life. It reflects how I felt about Wei Chieh during the uncertain periods of our relationship when we went long distance and were trying to figure out our involvement and how much we each wanted to invest into our relationship.

Now that we are still together 5 years after I first got to know him (09.04.04) and getting married in 2 month's time I do feel like I am (hopefully) now on the path to the Simple Life.

So here's No Doubt with the Simple Kind of Life.

Thursday, 26 March 2009


Our happy early spring purple crocoses looking cheerful in the morning

Spring is here! Nearly..

Last week the weather have been great and all springy but this week is a bit dark and gloomy.

Probably reflective of what a hectic week we've had.

Though, positive thinking will only permit me to look forward to when the sun next comes out again.

And it will come out real soon.. surely!

Wednesday, 25 March 2009


So we went to the chiropractor this morning to have a look at my X-rays taken on Saturday. Here's a summary of what we discovered:

Normal human:


Any questions?

Monday, 23 March 2009

Don't mess with rabbits


Fish pie:

Any questions?