I don't usually buy CD's. I prefer the randomness of MTV and Channel V, but I did fall in love with a song and I was going to hunt it down and listen to it on repeat (as I do).
So I found that song on a top rock hits CD. Bought it immediately and listened to it over and over.
Eventually I did move on to the other songs in the CD. One of them is Fake Plastic Trees.
I thought, strange name for a song huh? But I got addicted anyway..
So fake plastic trees played, over and over and today 10 years later, it is still one of my favourite songs.
The song has very deep lyrics. To me, it's a reminder to always evalute the things around me and sort the real from the fake, the important from the unimportant.
There's no point getting all worked up for something 'fake', it just wears you out... like it often does me, unfortunately.