Sunday, 29 August 2010

Big giant bone

We went to Staines this afternoon for some chinese buffet and got this from the petshop

He loves it, it is huge, it is £5.99!!! and it was already half gone by dinner time....

The boys have been getting along very well these days. We usually spend about an hour with the rabbits upstairs before nap time and Bronx comes along following them around like a security guard.

He's slowly learning to let go and calm down when the rabbits are around.

Here's the rabbits feeling rather chilled out and contented.. They do look rather fat don't they?


Monday, 23 August 2010

Michael's big erection

At the moment, we are both busy doing works to our house, mainly redecorating and bringing it up to date.

We started in the garden about a month ago, clearing the garden off the spider (they were LARGE and aplenty!) infested plants, shrubs, trees.... basically.. everything.

The previous owner of this house planted really strange, ugly, crawley, thorny plants and they were all stubborn and a pain to remove.

However.. we managed.

Then.... we decided it was time for the rotting old shed to go and also the fence between us and our neighbour also, as it was quite badly damaged by the crawling plants.

Thankfully, we had help from some friends with the fence and the digging.

Taking down the shed took a few hours, but taking down and putting up the fence took a good 3 - 4 days work!

That's Mike celebrating after successfully putting up the new second fence panel. 2 down, 2 more to go!

That's the mess that was our garden......

Here's the fence completed! Hurray!!

We also dug a 6 inch deep hole for the concrete base of our shed.

It took us 2 days to dig, put in the wooden frame, lay the sub-base, waterproof membrane, mix the concrete and level it out.

I did the concrete mix and leveling while the husband was at work last Thursday. It took me almost 5 hours!!!! and I don't think my arms have forgiven me..

It isn't perfect, but for a first timer and working alone, the husband thinks it's pretty good.

We sanded down the fence next to the concrete yesterday and painted it. We also painted over the concrete. This is how it looks like as of now.

Not bad huh?

The garden is still messy, but compared to a month ago, it is quite acceptable. Once the shed is up and the tools are in, we will have a garden again!

Of course there're still lots to do - the other side of the fence needs sanding and painting, the flower beds need to be built and then we will lay the garden with nice green grass, make a pathway to the door and decorate it with a nice homely bench and a fountain???? (the husband says MAYBE) :P

Hehe.. for the moment we are all dancing happy and busy bees!

Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Hi Pigeon

At 2 years and 10 months L's favourite question has to be 'What's your name?'

The funny thing is that it actually took him a while of asking before he actually understood at all what it means.

Yesterday in the garden there was a particularly tame pigeon looking for worms and berries.. L went right up to it and said, 'Hi Pigeon. What's your name?'

When he got no reply he pressed on and repeatedly asked for the pigeon's name. It was really really cute!

He did give up eventually and went back to his scooter.

Later when the pigeon got in his way he bent down from his scooter and said very politely to it - Mind Pigeon, mind!

Isn't he just adorable?