Being married is fun. We build a life together and we share everything with each other.
But does that also mean I have to share his mother?
I'm writing this post because I'm tired of debating with myself.
I'm tired of asking myself - do I really have to share his mother?
And that extends to, do I also have to call his mother 'mum'?
In all honesty I'm not in best terms with his mother at the moment. A bit of a mother-in-law/daughter-in-law problem going on.
However, put that aside and I still don't think I should address his mother as 'mum'.
Simple, I already have one.
My mother is my 'mum' and I don't need another one.
I love my mother and I feel like I am betraying her by calling another woman 'mum'.
I also believe that the title 'mum' is earned. My mum worked hard dealing with the troublesome kid and cloudy teenager that was me and I respect her for putting up with all that because she loves me.
I'm not trying to say that his mum put in any less. She did the same for him. She's just never going to do the same for me. It's not that she's not willing, she might just be. But it would be almost impossible logistically and emotionally.
The tie between me and my mum is different. It is special.
My mum feels my pain. My mum will always want something to my benefit. Plus my mum is not just 'mum'.
She can be mumzy, ma, mummymoo, aunty, ah poh.. or anything I could be calling her that day just for fun because whatever tag I put on her, it doesn't change the fact that she's my mother and it doesn't change the way I love and feel about her.
His mum however, can only be 'mum' because it is more a title than anything else.
Maybe it is the amount of 'My mother' essays I've written for school that gave me this ultra specific definition of a mother but I do believe in my argument.
However, it also doesn't change the fact that I've been sort of.. 'pressured' into addressing his mother as 'mum' and since nobody else wants anymore trouble from me, it looks like it's here to stay until I get brave enough to reverse it back to 'Uncle & Aunty' one day.
Knowing me, maybe I just will..
To add to this, he also has a problem addressing my parents as 'Dad & Mum' but since I've been forced to do so with his side, he unfortunately, has to do the same with mine under my insistance, until he finds enough courage to do something about it.
Why you no eat vegetable?
4 years ago