Sunday, 2 August 2009

An update on our vegetable garden

The wife and I decided to make use of our balcony space to grow some usable plants instead of just flowers. Now, a few months on, here's how they're doing!

The herb garden, with the carrot box off to the right. In the herb box we've got rocket, parsley, and the sadly-bare coriander patch

A closer look at the carrot plants.

Potato sack doing quite well

Monster tomato plants! Which are actually starting to bear fruit... this lovely pair on a rather hairy stalk

And in keeping with recent tradition, cooked food picture of the day: Garlic butter rice with an odd stew, suffering from my error of judgement in the size of the plate I needed. I'm not quite sure how to describe this stew, it started life as a pasta sauce with some meatballs that began as sausages, then had carrots, chorizo, mushrooms and some extra tomatoes added to become a stew.

Saturday, 1 August 2009

More camwhoring

It appears in recent days this blog has become a bit of a food blog, so time for some food blog cliches!

Start with a shot to establish what you're actually looking at (note also the inappropriate broccoli as usual lurking in the background)

and now the closeups...

Not just a food blog. An M & S food blog.