Monday, 22 June 2009

Random thought

Lately I've been told that I've been really neglecting this blog, what with all the wedding planning and everything that's been going on in our lives lately, so here's a random thought I had this morning while at Waterloo Station:

You know you're really out of shape when you find yourself needing a running start to get enough momentum to propel yourself up the stairs without running out of steam halfway.

Note to self: Spend more time on EA Sports Active

Wednesday, 3 June 2009

Husband and Wife

Finally it is Wednesday the 3rd of June and I can sit back and really relax - my first time in a VERY long time!!

The exams lasted almost 3 weeks of which I suffered sleepless nights and endless panic attacks..

To add to the exam stress, I had the hardest time finding a proper wedding dress and losing enough weight so I won't detest my wedding photos and tear it all up!!

The 3 prong Fat attack plan thingy worked! To our amazement..

Wei Chieh found something called the EA Sports Active which works on the Nintendo Wii and it is amazing!!

It's some sort of an interactive exercise game thingy which unlike the Wii Fit really makes you sweat buckets!

The first time we both had a go we looked like we just had a shower in our clothes!

What's even more amazing is that Wei Chieh can now dress up without looking like a pregnant man. After dating a man with a near 9 month old (forever due) baby in his tummy for 5 years, this is nothing short of a miracle.


Anyway, here are some photos so that you can judge for yourself.

The photos were taken by Michael and some by Wayne, who were both our witnesses to the wedding.

Our last photo as an 'unmarried' couple

The Groom being cheeky (he got a smack on the head after)

In front of the registrar

When we both said 'I do'

Group picture : Michael, us, Zina (Wayne's wife) & Wayne

The boys being boys
Zina showing off my ring

Where we got married

Just a nice photo of the new husband and wife

Yeap, that's how he broke his back!

Our wedding bands

Our 'favouritest' furry babies and us

Very kind and sweet! wedding cake gift from Mallindi, Tony, Luciano & Mariella

Our wedding was very small but we couldn't have wanted it any other way.

Many many thanks to Michael, Wayne, Zina and all our other friends who have given us so much love and support on such an important occasion to us.

Special thanks goes to Mallindi, Tony, Luciano and Mariella for fitting us a little spot in Mariella's Christening and Luciano's adoption celebration on Sunday.

We couldn't be luckier to be surrounded by such wonderful and amazing friends!