This post is long overdue, as is the literature review for my thesis. We are lazy people and are currently doing anything else BUT our thesis :P
So Dodgy Mike dragged us back to Msia to attend a wedding.
Dragged because the hardest part was leaving the babies (as usual, I flooded the taxi, airport and plane).. also, the thought of a 21 hour door to door journey isn't fun.
Anyhow, we are both glad we made the trip, it was really nice to spend time with family and the wedding was lovely.
The parents took us on holiday to Pangkor. Well.. to a neighbouring island because we decided you can either afford Pangkor properly or do something else.
As a child, I used to loathe Pangkor, the ferry was usually dirty, the journey took forever and there's nothing on that island besides ikan bilis (anchovies), ikan bilis and oh...more ikan bilis.
I've been there at least 3 times and have no idea how I missed this:-

There's a hornbill (yes, apparently there are hornbills in Pangkor) eating leftover papaya on the table.
We didn't take many pictures.. we are lazy people. But here are the brothers in law playing Mario Kart.

Everyone thinks that they are brothers.. They have a rather strange relationship. One nags the other gets nagged but they do like each other. We do love smelly boy - there's nothing better like having a botak younger brother you can bully!
And of course there's the wedding. We've been waiting at least 3 years to attend this wedding, but it was well worth the wait, it was beautiful and the bride and groom looks lovely, very much settled and in love.
Here's the culprit who made us go
Strangely we do not have a photo with the bride and groom as we were too busy helping with things and moving around.
Anyhow.. Congratulations CS and J! Thank you for letting us share your day. :)
I do admire people who are able to host proper big weddings. We are both too selfish to do anything of this sort, we don't like the attention and having to host long lost relations we both don't know or don't like.
Hence our small but intimate picnic wedding from 2 years ago ;) I only wish my grandparents, parents, brother and cousins could have been there.
I think the husband is officially in love with Ipoh food.
He have always hated taugeh (beansprouts) but these, he loves.
We celebrated mumzy's birthday with her (and got scolded because it was 2 days early and she didn't want to turn 49 before she had to) and had yummy buttercream cake.
We also discovered that the husband and Ah Kong (my grandfather) have the same watch! Ah Kong's watch is 30 years old and the husband's 10 but essentially, they are brothers.
It was a strange feeling to discover that they both have the same watch. I know it is coincidence but somehow it tells me that I married the right man and I have Ah Kong's approval. Silly, I know.. but heart warming :)
It was a good holiday, although now we are both stuck dreaming of Ipoh nga choi kai, the husband wants to eat 3 yim kok kai (salted chicken) in one sitting, I want to live in a swimming pool of wan tan mee with a border portion of wan tan and we both stare at pictures of Pasir Pinji chee cheong fun whenever we are feeling hungry.
Of course, we miss the people too. There's nothing like family, I only wish I could bring them all here and have them together with the dogs, rabbits and fishes too!